Sunday, July 29, 2007

Life goes on

I tend to dwell in the past a lot. Re-living events from days, weeks, months, years ago. Times of happiness, times of sadness. Which, in and of itself, is not a useless or deplorable activity, but of late I've come to realize that I perhaps do it too much, and that is a bad thing. I need to learn to do less of that, and instead, more of looking to -- and planning for, and being excited about the possibilities that lie in -- the future.

Anyway. I heard something just the other day while watching, of all things, an episode of Magnum, P.I., that struck me as something I should keep tucked away for 'ready reference' in those times when bad, painful things happen: "Life goes on."


Urvashi A said...

That's our ever-pondering J for us... :) But you 'dance' through it all, and make planes fly, and capture exciting moments on your pro-lens, are an enthu biker, and are forever getting friends together, you are a sucker for music and exactness...dwelling on the past is just one of the many things you do...and that's Life, innit?

Anonymous said...

J, reading this reminds me of my own life. It's strange but when things bog me down, you are the person i turn to for guidance:)
i think all of us need to stop living in the past and start waking up every morning with a smile that should take us through the day.